Friday, November 30, 2007

Pump Problems

Daddy and Adam had to replace the fuel pump before we could come home Friday. That was okay. We'd get home late but it wouldn't be too bad. But sixty-five miles later at 11:00 p.m. when the new one went out at a gas station it was not okay.
It was 27 degrees out-side and it got pretty cold by the time Joel came to pick us up with Clough's van. We wrapped up with pretty much everything handy that would keep us warm. Here's the pic of Adam you requested Michelle (Durkee):
(That's Hannah's sweater on his head and Daddy's hunting sweatshirt over his lap.) Adam comes up with the most ridiculous thing sometimes. He was sitting there and all the sudden he comes off with "You know, this is awful color coordination. Florescent orange with purple, blue, and black? It just doesn't go together!" Duh. Like that matters when your head's cold in the middle of the night.
Serena asking Joel "Are you almost here?"
We got home at 4:00 a.m. on Saturday. Daddy and Adam got a few hours sleep and then went and put yet another fuel pump in the van. So far we have had no problems with it.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

On the Funny Farm

The barn:

Daddy's hunting hat from when he was a boy; he wanted to know if I would want to wear it. Ha ha, very funny.

This is what happens when you have granddaughters that like to play with hair:

Grandma relaxing:

Uncle Doug

Making Music

We played Hymns and then took an ice cream break (dairy products are an important part of a Sickler's life) and then we played Scotch and Irish songs

Thanksgiving Dodge Ball with the Sickler Family

The "Outers"

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Last night was the Advanced Music Banquet at PVBI. Julia played "Prelude in C# Minor" by Rachmininoff and Joel was suppost to sing but.... he didn't have his piece ready on time.

Julia at the piano:
Adam's comment on this picture is that he LOVES how his tie stands out.
Adam was singing "Sleep, Baby Sleep" to Serena on the way home (she sang along) :

Friday, November 16, 2007

Yesterday Joel and Linnete came over and they signed over the title to their future home. We like it that they will be so close (right across the road)but we wish our neigbors didn't have to move away. Phil and Mary Jean have been great neigbors and the girls have had a lot of fun playing together. Adam has also worked for Phil for about 3 years and he really likes his boss.

Erica and Serena playing Scrabble.

Hannah and Tasha

Mommy, Phil, and Adam.
Teacher: Now if you bought ten apples for ten cents what would each one be?
Suzy: Rotten! At that Price they'd have to be.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

She Got a 100% - Twice!

Hannah's brain transplant sure must have worked. She's doing great in Spelling now!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Do YOU Need a Brain?

Hannah felt that she would be in need of a new brain before her next spelling test; difficult math problems had worn her old brain beyond any usability. Dr. Serena P. was generous enough to offer her services free of charge in this dangerous but necessary procedure.

Dr. Serena P. administering medication:

The operation was quite successful and Hannah seems to be doing well though she is still under observation.


Saturday, November 3, 2007

Bribery Always Works

Adam told Serena he would pay her 25 cents if she would scratch his back while he did supper dishes tonight. Then out of his unfailing, bountiful, and unselfish generosity he gave her an extra 10 cents as a tip.
P.S. Just wanted to let you know Adam. There will be a fee of 5.00 for this post.
P.P.S. I don't mind if you want to add a 2.00 tip. :)
P.P.P.S. If there are no posts following this one I am either too busy or unable to post. I am unsure as to how my older brother will react to my revealing his kind giving spirit. In other words: if he kills me please come to my funeral!!!
Adam has an entire Alien suit now.

Doesn't he look funny?!