Monday, October 8, 2007

Are There Mouses in Your Houses?

Last week Mommy went to the pantry to get something and discovered that mice had carried off nearly an entire bag of noodles! When she looked farther she found that they had also chewed of bags of chips, flour, sugar, baking chips, walnuts,and the list goes on. This reminded me of a poem.

Rose Fyleman
I think mice
Are rather nice.
Their tails are long,
Their faces small,
They haven't any
Chins at all.
Their ears are pink,
Their teeth are white,
They run about
The house at night.
They nibble things
They shouldn't touch
And no one seems
To like them much.
But I think mice
Are nice.
I cannot say I agree with the author entirely.


The Donaheys said...

I'm sure your mother doesn't agree with the author at all!!

The Sicklers said...

Correct! She has a tendancy to scream LOUDLY when she spies a mouse unexpectedly. It makes me wonder: will I ever be like that?
I do have to confess though. I was a little nervous at camp when a mouse that had crept into the tabrnacle during service started to run in my direction. :)